Traveling with kids is not always easy, but it is so important if you want to make tons of memories with them before they are all grown up. While you may be tempted to stick to domestic travel, a few tips and tricks will have you traveling internationally like a pro as well!
7 Tips for Traveling Abroad with Children
1.Consider Your Destination Carefully
You will want to consider your destination carefully, especially since you will be traveling with children. Younger children may not appreciate the history of Rome, and while older children may not either, there are still many other things that will keep them intrigued. Therefore, it is best to choose a destination that has plenty of options for the ages of your children.
2. Consider the Flights You Take
While a nonstop flight is almost always best, since you have less time between your departure and arrival times, you may not always be able to find one that meets your travel needs. If that happens, then I recommend choosing flights with long layovers. The reason for this is you will all have time to stretch your legs and get something to eat. This is perfect, especially for younger kids who have a harder time sitting still for so long.
3. Prepare for Lost Luggage
Luggage does get lost on occasion, so it is best to not check anything that is super important to your child. It is also an excellent idea to pack a change of clothes for everyone in your carry-on bag, so you have something to change into if your luggage does go MIA for a day or two.
4. Be Prepared for Jet Lag
Traveling abroad means time changes, which can wreak havoc on children’s schedules. It is best to be prepared for this jet lag by trying to sleep on the plane and then staying up until it is bedtime when you reach your destination.
5. Pay Extra for Transportation
It might save you a ton of money to take the bus when you are traveling abroad, but can you imagine corralling the kids amongst all those people. I recommend hopping on the train or grabbing a cab to keep everyone happy and safe.
6. Take a High-Quality Travel Stroller
You may think that it will be easy to carry your child all around the destination you choose to visit or have them walk, but realistically that isn’t going to be the case. Someone is going to be tired and cranky and that whole plan will be out the window. Taking a high-quality travel stroller can alleviate a lot of issues and they can easily be checked onto the plane.
7. Don’t Ever Expect Perfection
A vacation abroad is going to be very similar to days back home, so you should never expect perfection. It is also good to realize that you can never do everything that you want to when you are in a different country. Therefore, scale back on your itinerary a little, because it is much easier to be surprised that you can see something extra one day than to be bummed that you missed half of what you wanted to see.
These seven tips for traveling abroad with children can be a lifesaver, especially if this is something you haven’t tackled yet. We can help you plan an amazing international vacation and share a few more tips with you as well, so you can make those memories you will cherish for a lifetime. Contact us Today!